'Marriage is becoming too much work because of her nagging,' DJ Mo complains

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

Celebrity spinmaster DJ Mo has said that his wife's nagging and insecurity is starting to get to him making marriage seem like a job.

This, he revealed during a segment on their reality show Dining With The Murayas.

'I was telling a friend of mine that marriage has started feeling like a job.

My problem is that she has become very clingy and nagging.

Everyday she is always nagging or trying to look for fault where there is none.'

He further added,

'She calls me when I am out with the boys, when I am out on meetings, and when I am late. she says I was out with another woman.

I was telling my friend that marriage is becoming too much work.'

Size 8 defended herself saying that she is just a concerned wife.

'Is there anything wrong in calling him? Those friends are the ones misleading him. He feels like am always on his case.

I agree that I do call him many times but I do have my reasons. I love my husband and I want my family to be whole again.'

Are you like Size 8 always calling your bae and checking up on his whereabouts?