Karen Nyamu gets her WhatsApp account back after ban

• "My enemies will never win. I am God's last born, that's why I am so stubborn. M-Pesa, keep sending those 5 bob and above," she wrote.

Karen Nyamu
Image: Instagram

Senator Karen Nyamu's WhatsApp account is back after a brief ban. She shared a screenshot on Saturday indicating that her WhatsApp number had been flagged as spam.

She explained that despite Kenyans sending her numerous small amounts of money via M-Pesa, her account was banned due to constant messaging on WhatsApp.

"Mumefurahia sasa siwezi chat," she asked, implying that her ability to chat had been hindered.

The politician has now updated that her WhatsApp is back online.

"My WhatsApp is back. My enemies will never win. I am God's last born, that's why I am so stubborn. M-Pesa, keep sending those 5 bob and above."

According to WhatsApp's help center, the app bans accounts if it believes the account activity violates their Terms of Service, "...for example, if it involves spam, scams, or if it puts WhatsApp users’ safety at risk. We recommend carefully reviewing the 'Acceptable Use of Our Services' section of our Terms of Service to learn more about the appropriate uses of WhatsApp and the activities that violate our Terms of Service."

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