I'm a very proud father - Raila Odinga on Occupy Parliament protests

• The Occupy protests on Tuesday June 18 brought together Kenyans from all walks of life

Raila Odinga

ODM leader Raila Odinga has reacted to a video of a young Kenyan girl during the Tuesday, June 18 Occupy Parliament buildings.

In a video, a young woman records a video during the Occupy Parliament protests informing Raila that Gen Z have taken over the mantle to initiate change.

"I’m A Very Proud Father Today! Hongera Sana To All Those Who Bravely Stood Up For Their Rights," he shared his viewpoint.

The young woman appeals to the masses saying, "Usitokee, don't come, Agwambo please stay at home. We saw your efforts okay? We saw everything that you did for Kenyans. Now let us ...we miss you, but Agwambo please, please don't even come outside tunatoka on your behalf, okay," she says as she blows kisses to the camera.

occupy parliament protest june 18
occupy parliament protest june 18

Kenyans also responded congratulating Gen Z for driving this process calling for change.

Another young woman also won hearts after courageously refusing to be arrested by police.

"I'm not going," she repeats after a cop urges her cooperate.

"I'm not cooperating, I'm not, I'm not going, don't touch me, don't touch me I'm not going" she keeps telling the cop as she shakes those trying to pull her away from the car she is leaning on.

She then demands to know why they are arresting her "Give me a reason" as they ask her why she is protesting. The police officers eventually walk away 

"I protest because you are killing us You police, you are killing us in our community, The three men walk away as a crowd joins them."

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