Sonko explains curious barefoot foot photo with Karen Nyamu with great comeback

• The image had been taken in his office and some Kenyans theorised that something nefarious had happened between the 2.

Mike Sonko with Karen Nyamu
Image: Instagram

Former Nairobi county governor, Mike Mbuvi Sonko has made it clear that he has never had a romantic relationship with Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu.

In his statement on Wednesday afternoon, the businessman denied the claims of some internet users that they met for the purpose of love.

He noted that singer Samuel Muchoki aka Samidoh, who is Karen Nyamu's lover was also present during the meeting, so it would not be possible for them to sleep together as claimed.

The controversial politician attached his message with a picture of himself standing between senator Nyamu and the Mugithi singer.

On Tuesday, some netizens raised questions about the meeting between the two politicians after Sonko posted a photo of himself and Karen Nyamu inside his office.

In the picture, the two looked very happy and had no shoes on their feet. "Nomaree!" Sonko wrote on a photo he posted on his social media pages.

Samidoh, Mike Sonko and Karen Nyamu.
Image: Twitter

See the comments of some netizens;-

Jaber is Jaber: Mhesh, uliskia mzee anaenda Haiti ukaona itakuwa wakati wako wa kung'aa.

Wangui Macharia: Mbona hamna viatu?

Indigochild: Hii imeenda.

Coastian_Icon: Ambieni Samidoh huu ni uzi wa usalama wa ndani maana sonkoree si mchezo.

Mike: "Yule ananipea, atakuletea.."

Last year, Sonko revealed that he was the one who connected senator Karen Nyamu with the Mugiithi singer.

The former governor claimed that he brought the two together at a Mugithi Night event held in Dubai several years ago.  Sonko was commenting on Nyamu's Facebook post when he made the revelation.

Karen who currently has two children with Samidoh did not object to the statement and instead asked him not to reveal more.

Sonko seems to have a very close relationship with the pair and has been seen with them several times.

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