President Ruto-Don't touch your partner's phone, you might go mad

• Ruto says snooping your partners phone can make you run mad.

Phone snooping
Image: Photos For Class

President Ruto has advised couples against touching each others phones. Ruto said snooping your partners phone can affect you mentally.

The President who has been married for 32 years shared this during the wedding of Women Rep Betty Maina and her MP husband Eric Wamumbi.

"Leave alone your husband's phone, and husbands should equally avoid their wife's phones. Phone is like social media; it can make you go mad," Advised the Head of State

Further adding:

"I have been with Rachel for 32 years, and I have really struggled. Just like the bishop has said, marriage is difficult, and you must hold onto it. Don't listen to rumours, don't touch someone's phone. Because there are a lot of messages, and some are sent by people out to break other people's marriages," Ruto advised

President William Ruto at Betty Maina's traditional wedding.
Image: Courtesy

Walking down the memory lane, Ruto, had in a previous interview, said he met the love of his life in the church where they both attended.

"She was a member of the choir like me, we were both members of an Evangelistic team called North Rift evangelistic team," he said.

Ruto said he was an evangelist at the time.

"We used to go for missions together in various places. She did a course in education," he said.

Rachael, after her secondary education at Butere Girls High School, studied Bachelor of Education Degree at Kenyatta University.

"She was posted to Kessup girls for teaching practice and I was generally around and that is where our love history grew from. The rest is history," Ruto said.

Rachel and Ruto got married in 1991 and are currently raising seven children.

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