'I'm not the one!' Uhuru warns Ruto during Jubilee meeting

The former president said that he will not be moved and shaken by threats.


• Uhuru went told the delegates that his thoughts had told him he would resign from the party as the party leader.

• However, the party leader said that Jubilee will remain strong and united as one.

Uhuru Kenyatta
Image: Ezekiel Aminga

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta has told off President William Ruto over the recent attempt to 'hijack' Jubilee Party

Speaking on Monday, Uhuru said that he will not be moved and shaken by threats.

"Kuna wale ambao wanadhani kazi ya ni ya vitisho . Lakini sasa wajaribu mwingie , sio mimi," he said.

(Some think their work is all about treats. I want to tell them to try others, not me.)

Uhuru then told the delegates that his thoughts had told him he would resign from the party as the party leader.

"My thoughts had told me to relax on politics and go attend to other duties. I thought that today at the NDC I would have resigned and said that my time is up and elect other leaders," he said.

However, the party leader said that Jubilee will remain strong and united as one. In February this year, Uhuru confirmed his stand in  Azimio La Umoja Coalition.

He affirmed that he is still a member of the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party, despite his silence.

"Kustaafu sio kuchoka… ata wengine wanastahafu na nguvu zinaingozeka.Ata kama nimewacha siasa active, mimi bado ni mfuasi wa babaAkiniambia twende lazima twendwe ,"Uhuru said. 

This translates to: "Retirement doesn't mean I'm tired. Others retire and increase their political strength,"

"Even though I have retired from politics, I'm still a follower of Raila. If he asks me we go we have to do it. I supported him and I will continue doing so because I believe he is truthful," Uhuru said.

The Retired head of state further affirmed his support for Opposition chief Raila Odinga and insisted that he will support him.

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