Leaders condemn infiltration of Gen Z protests by goons


• They said protests were largely peaceful until criminal elements hijacked them.

Protestors in Kisii
Image: Ezekiel Aminga

Leaders have turned to social media to denounce the bandits who have infiltrated the Gen Z protests and are causing wanton property destruction.

In the early hours of Tuesday, the leaders noted that, for the most part, the protests were peaceful in many regions of the nation.

However, the way things are going, it is evident that certain people with criminal intent have taken over the well-intended rallies.

"What we saw in Mombasa and other areas of our nation, such as Nairobi, Migori, Kisumu, and Kisii, today is not related to Generation Z anymore," stated Mohammed Ali, the MP for Nyali.

"There are other forces at work that want to see this country burn and undo over 60 years of development," he continued.

"Goons infiltrated the planned demonstrations and torched vehicles, robbed innocent women and men while riding motorbikes, and vandalised businesses."

The MP urged all interested parties, including as parents, religious authorities, politicians, and businesspeople, to demand an end to the demonstrations, stating that the President has already taken notice of the young people's concerns and has proposed a dialogue initiative.

The lives of defenceless Kenyans and their belongings must be preserved by the police. This is beyond politics at this point. It has to do with defending our dear nation. Let's all exercise caution and prioritise peace over chaos, added Ali.

Johnson Muthama, a former governor of Machakos, also denounced the damage and destruction and urged the police to track down the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

"It is regrettable that opportunists and gangsters have taken over what were initially nonviolent protests, robbing people of their belongings, causing chaos, and damaging infrastructure. Muthama stated on X that "this has undermined the genuine protestors and their agenda."

Former Baringo senator Gideon Moi reiterated his views, calling on security personnel to take more proactive measures to apprehend and prosecute those responsible for the violent activities.

He declared, "It's obvious that the goal of these obviously well-planned infiltrations is to discredit the actual protestors."

The former senator asked those who were sincere in their protests to be watchful and to assist in identifying and separating those who were trying to take advantage of the demonstrations for personal benefit.

The demonstrations over the last two weeks have been exceptionally nonviolent, with participants holding signs, drinking water, and chanting in support of one another. But he pointed out that a motley militia that was involved in robbing, damaging property, and stealing from people had clearly entered today's events.

Videos that were circulated on the internet appeared to show people who appeared to be goons damaging shops across the nation.

At least five cars were set on fire in Mombasa. A well-known eatery in Kitengela was also stormed and pillaged.

In a statement, DCI Chief Mohamed Amin said that gang members who were seen on camera raping defenceless Kenyans on the streets had been targeted by a team sent to investigate.

"Anyone involved in the criminal activities are reminded that it is just a matter of time before the long arm of the law catches up with them, and that their felonious acts shall be met with the full force of the law," he stated.

President William Ruto stated in his speech to the country following the violent Occupy Parliament demonstrations on June 25 that while the young demonstrators were peacefully expressing their democratic right to protest, their path had been taken by "criminals" who had committed "treasonous" deeds.

In the National Assembly, members voted to approve the contested Finance Bill, 2024, which resulted in the burning of a police truck and vandalism and fire in a portion of the Senate.

The day after, Ruto gave a speech to the country in which he declared he had heard the people and that he would not be signing the Bill.

Nonetheless, demonstrators have persisted in their protests while ignoring statements made by the National Multi-Sectoral Forum (NMSF).

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