Anti-riot police lob teargas at protestors on Waiyaki Way


• Youths can be seen pelting stones as crowds gather on a flyover.

Police lob teargas at protesters along Waiyaki Way on July 2, 2024.
Image: Screengrab

Protests along Waiyaki Way, have police use tear gas in an altercation with young people who were throwing stones at them.

Dark smoke could be seen blowing along the road close to the Kangemi region in a video that Mpasho has seen.

Crowds had assembled on a flyover, blocking the road with stones, and youths were seen hurling stones at them.

The demonstrators, who have joined others across the nation for Tuesday's event, were seen being doused with tear gas by police.

Since many of the local stores were closed for the day, business at the moment is slow. Mlolongoyouth have also been seen protesting while dancing along Mombasa Road.

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