List of leaders accompanying Ruto on US tour


• Kate Actress and Eddie Butita are also part of President Ruto's delegation to the US 

President William Rutio and First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto after landing in the US
Image: courtesy

President William Ruto on Monday arrived in the United States to start his three-day state visit.

The President arrived at the Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport accompanied by First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto.

The plane carrying the President and his entourage touched down at the airport at 9.45 am US time.

The leaders alighted first and proceeded to welcome the President.

They include Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, Defence CS Aden Duale and Health CS Susan Nakhumicha.

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga and her Machakos counterpart Wavinya Ndeti are also part of Ruto's maiden US state visit.

Others are National Security Advisor Monica Juma, Council of Governors Chair Anne Waiguru, Senate Majority leader Aaron Cheruiyot and National Assembly Majority leader Kimani Ichung’wah among other dignitaries.

The President is expected to visit the Carter Presidential Library and Museum as his first stop for the day.

He will then visit Ebenezer Baptist Church to pay homage to the Civil Rights struggle and emphasize how religion can be a force for good.

Ruto's third engagement will focus on the US-Kenya Health Partnership at the Center for Disease Control CDC headquarters.

Several partnerships between the CDC and Kenya will be announced. 

Ruto and the First Lady will then be hosted by Kenya's Diaspora community in Atlanta.

The state visit is the first for an African leader in 16 years.

The President is expected to make a strong case for Kenya as Africa’s top and most strategic investment destination. 

He will urge multinational companies in the US to take advantage of the irresistible trade and investment options in Kenya that range from ICT, e-mobility, agriculture, infrastructure, housing, renewable energy and carbon markets.

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