Man buried alive while harvesting sand in Machakos


• DCI officers attached to Athi River police station have launched investigations into the incident.

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

A man has been buried alive while harvesting sand in Athi River, Machakos.

Police said the man who wasn’t immediately identified was alone when he met his death at the sand mines on Thursday.

The matter was reported to Athi River police station as a sudden death incident report.

“It was reported by a member of the public that a body belonging to a male adult had been discovered lying on the said land. Police rushed to the scene and established that the man had died,” an officer said.

Police said the man according to the report that had been filed, he died after the mine where he was harvesting sand caved in thereby burying him alive.

He died on the spot.

Officers from Athi River police station processed the scene before removing the body to Shalom Community Hospital, Athi River branch mortuary.

DCI officers attached to Athi River police station have launched investigations into the incident.

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