Atheists organisation call for DCI to arrest Pastor Ng'ang'a

• This isn't the first time, they also once proposed the banning of prayer services in schools and in government offices.

Harrison Mumia
Image: Instagram

The community of atheists in Kenya has called on the criminal investigation department DCI to take legal action against the controversial pastor from the Neno Evangelical church, James Ng'ang'a.

Through a letter to the media which was signed by the chairman of the community Harrison Mumia and also published on their X page, they claimed that the clip of pastor Ng'ang'a mocking the offering of one believer of 500 shillings goes against morals.

They claimed that Ng'ang'a's act of saying that he cannot accept an offering of 500 shillings for special prayers makes him like a fundraiser and not a pastor.

"We want the DCI to arrest pastor James Ng'ang'a, who we see as a fundraiser and a crook. Pastor Ng'ang'a has had the habit of robbing unsuspecting believers and taking money from them by force, hiding behind the name of God and the Bible.

His window is the hopeless and the poor... he uses fake miracles and lies about the unsubstantiated actions of the holy spirit,” part of the statement read.

"Due to the difficulty of life, many Kenyans have lost hope in their efforts to earn a living, Pastor Ng'ang'a has taken this opportunity to promise them miraculous blessings that have no meaning. Fraud of any kind should not be accepted in Kenya.

We want all Kenyans to distance themselves from Pastor Ng'ang'a and his church," said Zaidi.

This is not the first time for Atheists in Kenya to highlight religious activities.  They also once proposed the banning of prayer services in schools and in government offices.

At the same time, they claimed that places of worship should be taxed, saying that the donations they collect are not regulated as they are used.

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