Former ODM nominated senator is dead


• She was admitted on Saturday after suffering from blood pressure and diabetes.

Nominated MCA Godliver Omondi.
Image: Handout

The passing of Godliver Omondi, the nominee MCA, has left Kakamega County in grief.

After a brief illness, the MCA passed away at Agha Khan Hospital in Kisumu, according to a statement released by Kakamega Deputy Governor Ayub Savula on Monday.

"She was admitted to the ICU wing on Saturday after suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes but succumbed today (Monday) at 6 pm," he said.

The legislator was serving her second term having been nominated on the Orange Democratic in the Third Assembly following the 2022 general elections.

Omondi served her first term in the Second Assembly (2017-2022) as an elected MCA on the Amani National Congress (ANC) Party representing the people of Kholera Ward in Matungu subcounty.

She also served as a senator from 2013-17 representing Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) having been nominated by ODM.

DG Savula eulogised the MCA as a legislator who served diligently with principle and dedication.

"Hon Omondi was a key member of the Assembly's leadership where she served as the deputy minority leader between 2017-2020. She will be remembered as one of the pioneer MCAs of the Assembly Disability Caucus," he said.

Until her death, Omondi was serving as a member of several committees including the Liaison, chairperson of the Appointments Committee, Budget and Appropriations, Social Services, Youth, Culture and Sport committees.

Savula passed his condolences to the family of the late MCA.

"On behalf of the County Assembly of Kakamega, we mourn our departed colleague and send heartfelt condolences to the family of the late Hon. Omondi, We pray to God to give the family Strength and Fortitude at this moment of pain and sorrow," he said.

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