Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza arrested


•Mwangaza was arrested after she allegedly attempted to do an Okolea program in Ruiga Central in Imenti.

Kawira Mwangaza
Image: Dennis Dibondo

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has been arrested.

Mwangaza was arrested after she allegedly attempted to do an Okolea program in Ruiga Central in Imenti.

Multiple reports indicated that the program had earlier been banned by the State.

The governor through her Facebook page said

" this afternoon through a directorate livestock development and fisheries I delivered a cow and pre fabricated cow shed to a deserving needy family in Mithatene,Ruiga Central Imenti as part of one dairy cow one needy family program this initiative funded by the county government of Meru and approved by the county assembly aims at uplifting lives of less fortunate," she said.

The county boss said the law enforcers were sent to interfere with the implementation of the program.

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