Enock was among GSU trainees in video threatening Kenyans

Mystery surrounds death of GSU officer Enock Kimathi years after threatening video

• Enock and friends were excited ahead of the pass-out parade and warned Kenyans about what they would do once released onto the general public.

Enock Kimathi, one of the GSU officers captured in a viral video sending threats to Kenyans in 2021 is dead.

The officer was among a group of GSU graduates who posted a video hinting to Kenyans they were ready to kill.

The group of men were happy they had concluded their training and so they chanted in the video how they were prepared to implement their training.

There were about eight men, celebrating and chanting in sheng.  The video went viral on Dec 8, 2021.

"Mmeishaa..tutawamaliza...sisi ndio wale wasee...hapana tambua...tunakuja inje...sisi ndio wa pa pa pa (loosely translated as we are coming out, you will see)," said the recruits.

Kenyans were outraged saying ti was wrong for disciplined forces to behave like goons.

They added, "Ati nini.. Hawa ni wake wazii.. Pah Pah Pah, wazii,” chanted the Gsu officers in the December 2021 viral video.

They were looking forward to their pass-out parade and unfortunately, the video was tagged to the National Police Service Twitter handle which promptly took action.

The NPS condemned their action assuring Kenyans that their views were not a representation of the service. NPS expressed regret over the incident and ordered an internal review.

Enock was buried Saturday in his hometown of Meru. County officials mourned the fallen soldier.  According to his friends' eulogies, Enock was rushed to hospital for an undisclosed reason. 

Attending the burial of the late Enock kimathi at Itumi,Kiegoi Antubochiu ward

Posted by Hon. Rev. Mutuma M'Ethingia on Saturday, September 16, 2023

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