Survivor disputes Modern Coast statement on how accident happened

The accident claimed the life of one and caused multiple injuries

• One of the survivors stated that the accident happened at a bus stop.

• They suspected mechanical failure might have caused the accident.

Engineers work to pull the mangled Modern Coast bus from the river at Masosa area in Kisii town.

A survivor of the Modern Coast bus that had an accident in Nyakomisaro River in Kisii that claimed one life has recalled the fateful last moments.

Nicholas Okeyo, who spoke to the press yesterday said that he had a loud bang had happened just as some passengers were alighting from the Rongo bound bus.

"We were travelling from Mombasa to Rongo. At the time, the car was parked as passengers were alighting. Then suddenly, we heard a loud bang. I suspect that it was the handbrake that had exploded."

Chaos ensued with many passengers panicking as the bus started reversing.  

"So, we began going in reverse at high speed. While reaching this area, we collided with a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) that was also parked beside the road. The collision ultimately reduced our speed," he noted. 

Sadly the bus would start rolling backward faster thus ending up in the river and started filling up with water. 

"The people in the backseat were on the side of the bus which had plunged into the river. Thinking that I was in a dream, the bus began filling with water."

But Okeyo was lucky as a passer-by was there to help him escape the bus as he pulled him out through one of the windows.

"My mission was to get out of the bus. Fortunately, in the scuffle, I found a passerby who had stretched his hand to help me get out, I informed him that other passengers were stuck inside. The majority of the passengers escaped safely."

Okeyo's recollection seemed to differ from Modern Coast's own statement which stated that the driver was reversing down a steep slope to park when it hit a matatu.

"As a result, the driver panicked and the bus slid down and fell on its side into a ditch. It was turning to leave when it hit a matatu before it veered down the tarmac into river Nyakomisaro."

At least 19 passengers suffered soft injuries Wednesday. County Health Executive Leah Bwari said those injured suffered soft tissue injuries in the nine o'clock mishap. They were, however, treated and discharged, she told journalists.

"They were five ladies and two men and none really suffered any life-threatening injury, even the one doctors initially suspected of suffering a fracture the test returned negative," said Bwari.

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