Elon Musk: Decision on reinstating Trump on Twitter pending


• The business mogul and world's richest man further revealed that Twitter has a new policy that guarantees freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.

• "You won’t find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out, which is no different from rest of Internet," Musk said.

Elon Musk.
Image: Instagram

Elon Musk, the Twitter CEO has said the decision on the reinstatement of former US President Donald Trump is yet to be made.

Musk made the revelation Friday night where he announced the reinstatement of Kathie Griffin, Jorden Peterson and Babylon Bee.

Griffin is an actress, Peterson is media personality while Babylon Bee is a conservative Christian news satire website.

"Trump decision has not yet been made," he said. 

Trump was on January 8, 2021 permanently blocked after he posted messages that violated Twitter rules.

The company said it censured the @realDonaldTrump "due to the risk of further incitement of violence."

This was after the violence that the former President incited his supporters to execute at the US Capitol led to the deaths of four civilians and a police officer.

Trump called those responsible for the violence "patriots" after they stormed the Capitol as the US Congress worked on certifying Joe Biden's victory in the presidential election.

Musk, the business mogul and world's richest man revealed on Friday that Twitter has a new policy that guarantees freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.

"Negative/hate tweets will be max deboosted & demonetized, so no ads or other revenue to Twitter. You won’t find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out, which is no different from rest of Internet," Musk said.

He, however, clarified that the new gagging policy applies to individual tweets which are deemed to be hateful and not the entire account.  

The new policy is among many of those Musk has been implementing since assuming ownership of Twitter to ensure sanity reigns on the popular social media platform.

The new measures include tightening the Blue Verification criteria to make it rock solid, according to Musk.

The tight verification protocols, he said in previous tweets, will be launched on November 29.  

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