How Gen Z pressure is affecting churches

• Many Kenyans have criticised churches for associating with politicians whom they say are corrupt.

Image: mpasho

Kenyans online have been calling on religious leaders to disinvite politicians from addressing congregants or conducting fundraisers.

Sustained efforts to persuade churches to cancel these invitations have led to two churches doing so this weekend.

Screenshots shared by user Mwabili Mwagodi suggested he had privately spoken to church leaders, expressing the views held by many Kenyans regarding the presence of politicians in their churches.

Mwabili shared alleged conversations with leaders from Lavington United Church and the Murang'a Diocese Catholic Church about events they were to preside over this weekend.

"Good morning, Kenyans fighting for the church! Bishop James Wainaina of the Catholic Diocese of Murang'a has just informed me that the church is no longer associated with the Deputy President fundraiser in Kaharati. May the name of our Lord be praised. Hallelujah!!!"

He followed this up by thanking the Bishop for acknowledging Kenyans' demands. In another screenshot, Mwabili appeals to Lavington United Church to do the same alleging;

"Rev. Simon Mutahi, I see here you have invited Mrs. Rachel Ruto to your church for a fundraiser. First of all, the money is definitely looted from the taxes I pay to this government of looters.

Secondly, her husband is on a killing spree of young men, women, and children around the country. This message is to notify you that we are coming."

Rev. Simon Mutahi allegedly responded:

"Good evening, Mwabili. Thank you for reaching out. Please note that the First Lady will not be attending the fundraiser. You are welcome to fellowship with us. Blessed night."

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