6 Ways men can enjoy solo dates on Valentines Day

• Not everyone has plans of going out, contrary to the beliefs of many not everyone celebrates valentines.

Kenyan fashionista and model Mike Mwa

Valentine's Day is just hours away.

Not everyone has plans of going out, contrary to the beliefs of many not everyone celebrates valentines.

Some of us are like trees in a forest, standing tall and alone.  

Here are ways men can enjoy solo dates this valentine. 

Get dressed up, put on perfume, and do whatever you need to do to feel great about yourself. Treat it like you would a date with another person!   


Hit up a nearby hotel or Airbnb for a weekend alone. You can stay in, or you can use it as an excuse to explore the parts of your town you've never seen.

Mike Mwa enjoying some ME time in The Brandy Bus located in Karen.


This is the best time to meditate on the things you love about yourself

Even better, write them down. Whenever you're feeling unworthy of self-love, go back to that list

Mike Mwa enjoys reading a book inside The Brandy Bus, in Karen


This you can do by booking a massage, visiting a Spa, working out, going out for coffee or just sleeping.

Kenyan model Mike Mwa at The Brandy Bus located, Karen

Try new activities

Choose an activity you think you’d enjoy, but make sure it’s slightly outside of your comfort zone. 

It takes guts to date yourself!

Explore the neighborhood

 Get outdoors. Breathe in some fresh air, take some time to self-reflect

Mike Mwa at The Brandy Bus located, Karen
Image: Courtesy

Go watch a movie in the theater

This can be the best time to go watch that movie you have been yearning for.

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