But do I say!! Extremely wordy eulogy of Luo man goes viral

The language used has amused Kenyans reading through the eulogy

Eulogies are normally kept brief and precise with the easiest language used. However, when it comes to the good people from the Lake region, going above and beyond is expected.

A Luo man's eulogy has gone viral and Kenyans are amused at the language.

The late is Moses Obado Okuku. Even something as simple as his educational background has been so eloquently described that we lose focus of the point. His family and marriage life are the most descriptive.

The union between his mother and late father for instance reads: "Scion of the esteemed union between the late Francis Okuku Abonyo of Kanyamkago Kawere II and the venerable mama Rosa Okuku was a familial tapestry woven with threads of resilience and Kinship."

It adds about the following lineage of kinsmen;

"His lineage marked by a constellation of names, each a testament to the bonds that endure beyond mortal confines."

The late's marriage is even more entertaining

"Moses entered into the sacred covenant with Beatrice Ajwang in the annum 1985. Their union, a crucible of shared joys and sorrows, bore the fruits of progeny." It also details the names of their children


"Through the vicissitudes of life, Moses and Beatrice etched a narrative of commitment, forging a legacy that transcends temporary confines." 

Moses was a farmer and the eulogy didn't fail to also wax lyrical about that fact,

"The late Moses Obado was a tenacious agrarian, who will be remembered as a stalwart steward of the land."

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