Major events that happened in the wedding saga of Nelly Chepkoech and Amos

• The couple went viral on Friday evening after a chat from the wedding committee's WhatsApp group went viral on social media.

Nelly Chebet and Amos Rono, the couple who were set to wed on Saturday at Kapsoyo AGC in Bomet County, but the ceremony were later cancelled.
Image: Courtesy

Miss Nelly Chepkoech and Mr. Amos, bride and groom from Bomet County, have been trending on various social networks in Kenya after their wedding scheduled for Saturday, December 9, 2023, did not take place as planned.

The couple went viral on Friday evening after a chat from the wedding committee's WhatsApp group went viral on social media.

According to the rumours, the wedding which was supposed to take place at AGC Kapsoyo was canceled just a day before the scheduled date, creating rumours and confusion among Kenyans on social media.

Following the accusations and rumours, Nelly and her father have already emerged and made things clear about some of the allegations and explained what happened. 

Below is a brief summary of how things went:-

• Whatsapp chats about the cancellation of Amos and Nelly's wedding surfaced on social media on Friday evening.

•Many rumors and accusations about the cancellation of the wedding surfaced on social media on Saturday.

• On Saturday, the pastor who was supposed to officiate the wedding claimed Nelly asked for more time before the marriage.

• On Saturday, Nelly denied claims that she called off the wedding the day before for personal reasons.

• Nelly denied allegations of running away to avoid the wedding, he said he is at home with his parents.

• Nelly also claimed that the church postponed her wedding with Amos following the delay of some important documents.

• On Saturday, Nelly's father confirmed that his daughter is at home and has not escaped.

• Nelly's father claimed that the priest postponed the wedding, mentioning that the bride and groom have known each other for a short time. (six months)

• Nelly's father hinted that the wedding may take place in February/April 2024.

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