7 uses of garlic apart from preventing hair loss

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

• Other than garlic being a spice, you can also use it to boil and soften different foodstuffs. Read along to learn the different uses of garlic.

Garlic Garlic
Image: Courtesy

Garlic is normally used to spice food or create a certain taste of it in food. Most people use garlic to marinate their food or because of its wonderful aroma.

When eaten raw, garlic normally leaves an after-effect but is surprisingly healthy and beneficial to your health and body. 

Since time immemorial garlic has been known to treat osteoarthritis, protect against the common cold and the ability to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Other than treating a common cold, garlic can be used for various reasons. Read below to learn about other uses of garlic.

1) Treat Headaches

Garlic can be used to treat headaches as it can help[[ lessen and reduce the pressure on your head. Simply eat raw garlic clove then drink some warm water after it will treat your headache.

2) Grow nails

As much as it comes as a surprise, garlic can be used to grow one's nails. Simply apply raw garlic on your nails at least twice a day this will fasten the growth of your nails.

3) Boil githeri

Garlic can be used to boil githeri faster. When one is boiling their githeri add one clove of garlic in the cooking pot and let it boil together. 

Adding raw garlic to the githeri will lessen the time used to make the dish.

4) Soften meat

Just like how it can make githeri boil faster it can also make the meat softer when boiled together. Research hasn't been able to explain the relation between them. But garlic is a good softener of meat and it works wonders. It will give your meat a different aroma and soften it.

5) Treat pressure

Garlic can be used to reduce and treat cases of blood pressure. Simply eat raw garlic cloves at least twice a day. Simply eat raw garlic this will reduce the chances of you getting frequent pressure attacks.

6) It may help you live longer

 Garlic can help you live longer by fighting diseases in your body and this will increase your chances of living longer. 

Garlic has antibacterial that helps in fighting diseases that affect people when they grow old.

7) May prevent hair loss

Hair loss is a common problem with people these days it can be used to stress or pollution in the environment. Garlic can be used to prevent hair loss.  

How to use garlic

Eat one raw garlic clove and spinach smoothie every morning. When cooking add garlic to your food especially when cooking fish.

8) Can reduce acne

Garlic can be used to reduce acne because it has powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These properties can open pores.

How to use

Eat 1 clove of raw garlic followed by a glass of cold water. Also, make sure you keep yourself hydrated and clean your skin every 3 hours.

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