Pilot killed after gender reveal in video trending online

Watch: Plane used for gender reveal party crashes horrifyingly

• The accident happened in Mexico.

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

A plane used to reveal the gender of a baby took a sharp nosedive moments after dropping pink smoke for the attending party.

After releasing the pink dust that indicated the baby was a girl, the wing broke off and fell meters later

The gender event was for a Mexican couple who rented a small plane to help reveal the gender of their unborn baby.

The couple and the guests were eagerly awaiting to see the color of the powder that would indicate whether it was a boy or a girl.

The couple waited for the Cessna plane to pass overhead, next to letters that read "Oh Baby" amidst hundreds of colorful balloons, while the two held hands.

A video on Twitter of the reveal is trending on Twitter as guests took videos of the moment. We also get to see the moment the plane plummeted before crashing.

As the plane approached the venue of the partygoers, it released pink smoke, signifying that the couple was having a baby girl, and then disaster struck.

The pilot appeared to pull the plane upward to avoid some palm trees at the end of the garden where the ceremony was held, when the left wing suddenly gave way, causing the plane to take a fatal dive.

The pilot was later seen in the wreckage of the plane.

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