The boy was rushed to hospital

Painful dilemma of Githurai family with 7-year-old boy on life support

• The school has defended itself.


A 7-year-old boy is in a coma after falling off a merry-go-round in school. The incident happened Tuesday last week, and the family is now seeking justice for their little boy.

The injuries according to doctors are severe and have grim news for the Githurai-based family. According to a report filed on Citizen TV, 7-year-old Caleb Odanga fell from the merry-go-round swing while on a school trip.

Caleb is admitted to Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral and Research Hospital (KUTRRH) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Medics have ruled that there is no chance for recovery and explained to the family that they believe they may have to remove the boy from life support.

They say the damage apparently suffered does not have any form of medical intervention to reverse the situation. They want the family to sign a form giving them consent to pull the plug.

The doctors say it is in Caleb's best interests to stop medical care because continuing treatment is futile. The parents are however fighting for their son to continue staying on life support.

“If I sign that (form), it means I am sending my son to the grave,” Mwangi Odanga, his father said.

“It is our conviction that there is still hope and we are appealing we get an expert because we can’t sign a form that our son is no more,” Mr. Odanga continued.

The Grade One pupil at Greens Angels Academy fell off the swing on a school trip to Destiny Gardens in Kiambu’s Ruiru area.

Citizen TV reached out to the boy's school management and they spoke to the director of the school, Hilda Mwangi, in a phone conversation to clarify the incident.

The Director said, “We have been following up after taking the boy to the hospital,” Ms. Mwangi said, adding the family turned hostile.

The management of Destiny Gardens, while sympathizing with the family, says the merry-go-round swing was in good shape and all the safety measures were followed.

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