7 huge inconsistencies that prove Japan 'Human Dog' is fake

• Toco achieved this extraordinary feat by purchasing a hyperrealistic dog costume created by a Japanese company called Zeppet.

japanese man transforms himself into a dog courtesy twitter
japanese man transforms himself into a dog courtesy twitter

A Japanese man named Toco recently spent a staggering $20,000 to transform himself into a border (dog)

Toco achieved this extraordinary feat by purchasing a hyperrealistic dog costume created by a Japanese company called Zeppet. Z

After spending 40 days crafting this intricate disguise, Toco finally had the opportunity to step out into the world as a dog and take his first-ever walk in public.

There have been questions raised about how one can become an animal. According to TUV, there are a few points that prove the 'human dog' is not real. Some of these are

1. The 'dog' is seen struggling to climb the stairs

In most cases, dogs struggle to climb stairs if they have ailments such as arthritis, aching joints or any other sickness hindering their mobility.

2. At some point the 'dog' is heard panting, like a human being would.

3. In one part of a video, the dog is given 'dog' food but is not seen consuming it, the video is then edited to show an empty bowl. This leaves the question as to whether the 'Man dog ' ate the food or not.

4. The 'human dog' is seen waving at the camera like a human being would, this was during an interview with an international media house.

5. The dog wears sandals for when they are going outside to prevent their paws from getting dirty. Why worry about paws getting dirty when you are an animal?

6. The dog has not been heard barking, nor seen wagging its tail like normal dogs do.

Dogs bark when in a new environment and wag their tails when excited.

7. The human identified as 'Toco' got his hyperrealistic dog costume created by a Japanese company called Zeppet. Z.

The company produces body suits, action suits, head gears, and robots among other things. 

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