It has become quite a popular form of skit delivery.

Reason ‘uncomfortable’ cross-dressing comedy is so popular


• Cross dressing has become one of the most popular comedy forms on social media platforms.

In this age and era, so many people have taken up cross-dressing as a form of comedy and even content creation.

Cross-dressing is in simple terms the act of dressing up and acting in a manner of the opposite gender, a man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man.

This was something that was more present and seen in film shows and comedy shows but had not become acceptable to society.

For most people who have taken up this as their art form, they face a lot of ridicule with people even going as far as questioning their sexuality.

As we are living in times where homosexuality becomes more normalised in the society, others still look down upon such people.

The facts are that most skits uploaded on the internet that display cross-dressing usually get the viewers' attention more and they are more viral.

The aim of the cross-dressers is to try and portray the lives of the other gender from an outside point of view, which is something that makes the audience relate.

Men dressed as women Crossdressing

Others feel that this is a form of comedy that is lazy as there is no thought put into it but you just dress up in the other genders' clothes and pretend to be them.

For some, they take it as offensive as at times some of the skits they carry out are stereotyping women into a category and making fun of them.

The majority of cross-dressers usually mimic female characters as it is usually so hard to find cross-dressers mimicking male characters and they aren't normally as popular.

Kenyan comedians and celebrities are endorsing the act of cross-dressing but not many men are fans of their comedy as they feel it emasculates them.

This form of comedy is gaining a lot of popularity and will not most likely go away anytime soon.

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