Willis Raburu has always had a soft heart for comedy. The Ten over Ten TV show host recalled how it began in High school and into university entertaining his peers.
"For those who were on campus pale Moi University, it wasn't a surprise to them because I used to host I used to do comedy in High School."
He used to charge people 30 bob, "Na ilikuwa inajaa for those who know eldi 3 it was actually called Wayne live. My middle name is Wayne."
It was modeled after Churchill show, and Raburu had an alter ego called Peninah, "So I would dress up. I had the whole leggings and a wig and a skirt."
Raburu revealed these details in a sit down with Phil Karanja about his love for comedy, leaving Citizen, and weight loss among other topics.
He also spoke of a comedy show he did for Radio Netherlands, an eight-part series that earned him a lot of money. "The first time that comedy paid for me I did something called Sons of Africa."
The online show paid very handsomely for the first-time employee, but he made financial mistakes.
"There was an audition and I went and I did like 8 episodes, just pure stand-up, and for each episode, I was being paid like 40k. I was rolling wueh, of course I blew it all, yani I was rolling. I was untouchable."
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