Who pays and how much? Exploring financial equality in relationships

Analyzing the concept of shared expenses among couples, its relevance in the context of gender equality.

Piece by: PAUL AMUKO

• Some argue that in a marriage, the concept of individual finances should be dissolved, as the money earned by both partners is meant for the collective good of the union.

• Others contend that a 50/50 split may lead to situations where one partner ends up owing the other, especially if there is a significant income disparity.

Gabrielle Union & Dwayne Wade
Image: Instagram

Gabrielle Union recently made headlines a few weeks ago when she revealed that she splits bills 50/50 with her husband, Dwayne Wade.

This disclosure ignited a heated debate on the internet, with contrasting opinions on whether a couple should divide their expenses equally or not.

Some argue that in a marriage, the concept of individual finances should be dissolved, as the money earned by both partners is meant for the collective good of the union.

Others contend that a 50/50 split may lead to situations where one partner ends up owing the other, especially if there is a significant income disparity.

One aspect that has been brought into the discussion is the difference in earnings between partners. It is widely believed that Dwayne Wade, as a successful professional athlete, likely earns significantly more than Gabrielle Union.

Critics argue that considering the discrepancies in income, a fairer approach would be to calculate expenses based on each partner's ability to contribute proportionally.

However, there are divergent opinions on this matter. Some argue that women tend to selectively embrace equality, advocating for independence but expecting their partners to shoulder the financial burden.

They contend that traditional gender roles often dictate men as the primary breadwinners, while women take on responsibilities such as household chores and childcare.

From this point of view they claim that if you calculate the needs for either sides, the scale will be tipped tremendously to the side of the woman, in the sense that men don't do half the laundry or half the cooking.

From this perspective, a 70/30 split in favor of the female partner seems justified, considering the additional contributions women make within the household.

Couple doing a financal discussion
Image: courtesy of dream time

In the context of Kenyan couples, the application of a 50/50 bill split can vary. Cultural norms and societal expectations may influence the financial dynamics within relationships.

While some couples may adopt a more egalitarian approach, others may adhere to traditional gender roles, with the male partner assuming the role of the sole provider.

It is important to consider the financial circumstances, values, and agreements of each individual couple when discussing the applicability of a 50/50 split in the Kenyan context.

Ultimately, the issue of financial equality within relationships is complex and deeply personal. Gender equality plays a significant role in shaping these dynamics, as societal expectations and cultural norms continue to evolve.

It is crucial for couples to engage in open and honest conversations about their financial expectations, goals, and the distribution of responsibilities within the relationship.

In conclusion, Gabrielle Union's revelation about her 50/50 bill split with Dwayne Wade has sparked a contentious debate about financial equality in relationships.

Drawing from the experiences of Kenyan couples, it is evident that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The decision to split bills equally or in proportion to income requires careful consideration of individual circumstances, cultural factors, and personal values.

The journey toward financial equality requires ongoing communication, understanding, and a shared commitment to creating a mutually supportive partnership.

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer's own. Do you agree or disagree

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