7 reasons people get mental health issues

Family, friends, and use of substances can cause mental health illness in the future


• A member of your family could have suffered from mental illness; this can be carried on to another, therefore, causing mental illness.

• Mental illness is tied to the brain this means that if the brain is triggered due to chemical imbalances; it will affect your mental health.

mental health
Mental health mental health
Image: Photos for class

Many youths have been suffering from mental illness for a hot minute now; from watching the news to social media youths are taking their own lives and facing serious mental problems.

There are various reasons why youth go through mental illness. The causes of mental illness can be categorized into three main parts that are; genetic, environmental, and biological.


A member of your family could have suffered from mental illness; this can be carried on to another, therefore, causing mental illness.


One's environment mostly defines who you are and how you relate with people around you.

Sometimes the environment one's from causes them their mental state.

It could be as a child you faced trauma or rejection by your family or people close to you, this can cause so much pain which ends up affecting you.

Also, when a mother is a drug addict or consumes when pregnant this can affect the health of the child which ends up affecting them in the future.


Mental illness is tied to the brain this means that if the brain is triggered due to chemical imbalances; it will affect your mental health.

Other reasons why your mind may be affected are ;

Unhealthy habits

There are specific lifestyles that one can adopt that may end up affecting one mentally.

When you have poor nutrition and you do not take care of what you put in your body might be a cause.

Remember your brain is an important organ of your body and whatever your intake affects your brain.

History with mental illness

If you have ever been mentally ill before or a member of your family, there is a possibility that you might get affected again.

One is afraid that they may inherit it from the family but they need to understand they are not alone; many people get affected and still get medication and live there just like everyone else.

Substance use

Youths are commonly known for the consumption of drugs.

Excessive drinking and smoking may affect your health in the future; this can cause paranoia, anxiety, and hallucinations.

Different substances affect differently, some people take excess cannabis which can lead to depression in this way, your mental health is affected and you'll need to seek professional help.

Imbalance of chemicals in the brain

The brain is an important organ of the body, when there are excessive or fewer messengers sent to the brain can lead to mental health problems.

Neurotransmitters are the chemical that sends messages to the nerve cell; when there are too much or less of the neurotransmitters it can cause mental health illness.

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