The iPhone 6 Give-Away Just Got Mad! Now You Can Win An iPhone 6 EVERYDAY!

Piece by: Uncle Chim Tuna

You read the headline right! You can now win an iPhone everyday of the week starting today! Why? Well, why not? You see, the thing is that the Mpasho crew is made up of a bunch of nutters so the only way to go forward is in a crazy way.And what is crazier than giving an iPhone 6 away everyday? That means that you now have a tough task ahead. You have to garner enough points to win and the only way you can do that is by commenting, watching videos and sharing the stories.

But first things first, you have to sign up. And just to get you started, allow me to share the link where you can sign up as instructed below:

Once that is over and done, you should now focus more on the stuff i mentioned earlier, you know, sharing stories, commenting and watching videos. We will need all your quality comments because the system is automated. That means that a machine weighs your comments validity and the quality of your interaction with Mpasho.

So get your A game on and the best of luck to you and yours but remember, amat victoria curam

(Victory likes careful preparation).