HII MAPENZI SIO YA KILA MTU BOSS! Here Are 3 LESSONS We've Learned From Dr Ofweneke's BREAK UP With His Baby Mama Nicah

Piece by: Madame Cynthia

There's nothing sad like seeing a lovely couple going through a nasty break up.

Celebrated comedian Dr Ofweneke real name, Sande Bush, has been the talk of the week after he revealed that he had separated from his fiancée and baby mama Nicah after speculation arose on their relationship.

Dr Ofweneke and his gospel singer wife Nicah The Queen had dated for years, and most fans were actually waiting for a wedding this year after the popular MC went down on one knee back in June 2016.

The estranged couple was blessed with one child, though Nicah has another child from a previous relationship, who Ofweneke gladly took in and accepted as his own and things were just fine until he started beating her, according to Nicah.

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In a recent social media revelation, Nicah, born, Victoria Wanja exposed Ofweneke as a wife batterer, confessing that they actually separated back in September 2016 after he beat her up and left their matrimonial home.

Nicah recently revealed that she's stranded now that she's a single mother of two with no source of income as Ofweneke provided financial support, which was one of the reasons she persevered the domestic violence.But through all this drama, I'm sure we have learned one or two things from this breakup. Here are 3 big lessons we can gather from the saga;

1. Independence Works

I won't even sugar coat this, every woman should get a job should the relationship not work out, which ensures she's financially stable. In this instance, Nicah depended fianncially on her man as her music career wasn't doing well, and now she's left to fend for herself. Ladies, even if your man supports you, have something on the side you can hold on to incase of any unforeseen events.

2. A Violent Marriage Never Works

Nicah accused her ex-boyfriend of beating her up and even shared a photo of her bruised face and what's worse is this wasn't the first time she had been beaten. If a man or woman hits their partner, most of the time the victim will end up walking away from the marriage but before that happens, the situation is always nasty. If your lover beats you up, just walk away the first time, because it's likely to get worse.

3. Cheating Has Become The Biggest Factor In Break Ups

If you do research on most broken marriages or relationships, it's about unfaithfulness. In this case, Nicah was accused of cheating while other sources reveal that it was Ofweneke who cheated first, but none of them will talk about that part. It's the same thing that happened to Saumu Mbuvi who revealed that she had left her baby daddy for cheating with another politician's daughter.