Presenter Ali finally reveals daughter's name and whether he would get another wife


• A few weeks ago, the popular content creator celebrated becoming a first-time dad.

Medina and Presenter Ali holding their newborn baby
Image: Instagram/Presenter Ali

Presenter Ali was recently interviewed by Mpasho's Kalondu Musyimi. The popular YouTuber was kind enough to participate in a quickfire where he touched on several facets of his life.

Some of the areas that he opened up about included his family, work and things people might not know about him.

Some of the quickfire questions are below;

Kalondu: What was your first job?

Ali: I used to work at an M-pesa shop

Kalondu: What's your Nickname?

Ali: At home, some people call me Bush, people online call me Mwana.

Kalondu: What's your daughter's name?

Ali: Inaya, it means a gift from God; God's gift

Kalondu: Were you in the delivery room?

Ali: Yes 

Kalondu: How was the experience?

Ali: It was very scary, in terms of being able to see a woman bring someone to life it's not easy, and also being able to witness that moment for the first time. It was tough.

Kalondu: Would you do it again?

Ali: Yes

Kalondu: Are you still friends with Mungai Eve and her boyfriend?

Ali: Yes

Kalondu: Why do you think people think that you are not friends anymore?

Ali: It's because we don't hang out anymore online-wise but offline we do the things we do are for us not for online.

Kalondu; You are allowed to marry more wives, Would you marry another wife?

Ali:  I don't know

Kalondu: Would your wife allow you to marry a second wife?

Ali: I don't know

Kalondu: Something that you love about being a dad?

Ali: The fact that you get to experience love in a way that you thought you would never do

Kalondu: Ask me a question

Ali: Kalondu do you have a boyfriend?

Kalondu: No I don't have a boyfriend, I am still waiting for you to get rich and introduce me to your friends.

Watch the video below;

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