Tuko Kwa Matanga!! Eric Omondi urges comedians to cancel all comedy shows this year

He says he has been planning to do it as the President of comedy.


• Comedian, Eric Omondi shares the reasons as to why he feels comedians should not do any more comedy shows in Kenya.

Eric Omondi
Image: Instagram

Eric Omondi while speaking in an interview with Mpasho journalist Kalondu Musymi, revealed that he wanted to ban comedy shows by Kenyan comedians this year.

The comedian said that there was really nothing to laugh about with the current sate of the economy and life.

"I would have loved to call upon all comedians to stop with these comedy shows, right now there is nothing to smile and laugh about."

He says he would like to ban comedy for at least one year, no comedy events until we solve the issues that are there.

"We cannot laugh at this time you know we should cry and because even people don't have that money to pay for those shows and buy Unga."

Eric Omondi says that at this point all comedians should come together and unite and help Kenyans fight this cost of living.

He says there are many ways that artistes, comedians are able to make money and they can sit down together and discuss on the way forward.

"mtu anaeza fanya show outside the country but uku Kenya, apana acha tusaidie wakenya because hali ya maisha ni ngumu"

The young man feels that with this shows, its like they are showing the government they are okay and there is no problem.

"I don't think the atmosphere is conducive for laughter tuko kwa matanga, I really think it is the time to mourn as life is unbearable"

Eric Omondi also said as from him, the show he is hosting in Mwea for kiss nights will be the last show he is hosting this year in Kenya.

"I can host for all shows and even corporate events but for comedy shows, until next year 7th July 2024, that is when I will be back"

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