Nairobi slay queens expose FBI dancer Ezra for cheating on girlfriend (Screenshots)

Piece by: Grace Kerongo

The founder of FBI dance group Ezra was dumped on  social media after he was allegedly caught with his pants down.

His ex-girlfriend Isha Raffi walked in on him with a chic in their house.

She later took to social media to call him out and asked anyone else with receipts of his other infidelities to hit her up.

Maaaaaaan, chics from all corners sent her details of the many indiscretions by Ezra.

Weezdom's ex- girlfriend Mylee Stacey  who was mentioned adversely in the screenshots denied having an entanglement with Ezra.

She posted this statement on her Instastories.

Ringtone also denied hosting a sex party that Ezra attended.

Check out the screenshots.

Ezra is yet to comment on the drama. That has lasted two days now.