Desperate measure that forced Njugush to sell his 32-inch TV for just 6k

• Njugush has always been open about his struggles before he made a breakthrough and things got better 

Timothy Kimani aka Njugush with his wife Celestine Ndinda
Image: Courtesy

Globally celebrated comedic couple and digital content creators, Timothy Kimani aka Njugush and his wife Celestine Ndinda alias Wakavinye recently shared how back in the they were forced to sell their TV at a throw away price in order to make rent.

The couple is a true testament of from grass to grace, and they've stuck by each other's side through thick and thin, unashamed to tell stories of their past struggles and how bad they had it before their big breakthrough.

During an episode on Cele's channel, Njugush comically shared how they managed to avoid getting evicted from their rental house by selling their TV, a move that greatly pained Njugush even though he understood they didn't have any other option at the time.

"Tuliuza TV tulipe rent lakini nilifika mahali karibu nipige nduru niseme nimeibiwa," the father of 2 narrated. Noting the TV was a 32-inch OLX and the fact that he didn't even get value for his money really broke his spirit. 

So how much did the veteran actor get for his priced electronic device? Timothy raked in only Sh. 6000 for his 32-inch after negotiations with a city broker!

To add insult to injury, the broker smoked cigarettes inside Njugush's house during the process while belittling the seasoned script writer as he argued the TV wasn't even worth Sh.6k. Taking them quite a long while for them to reach an agreement. 

"Alikuja kwangu kwanza akavutia sigara kwangu na hakuvutiwi sigara. Sasa nilinyamaza tu kwa sababu nilikuwa nataka pesa," he candidly added painting a picture of how dire and desperate things were at the time.

Chipping in Cele noted the broker was overly happy with the deal as he picked up their TV and to some extent they were also happy as now they had money to clear their house rent. 

"Alikuwa amefurahi akichukua TV na sisi pia kwa kupewa pesa ya rent," the digital content creator shared. 

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