List: 7 tallest recorded humans of all time

• The Guinness World Records has documented cases of the tallest people alive.

Image: Courtesy; Guinness World Records

Bradley Marango broke the internet claiming to be the 'Tallest man in Kenya' standing at 8 feet with a shoe size 47/48. His physic astonished many with earning him the nickname "Goliath Gen Z,"

Shortly afterwards another man from Bungoma named Isaac Wekesa came forth highlighting he was taller than Bradley standing at  8.4ft tall, with a shoe size 52. These two have proved to be taller than the average man with their height seeming almost mythical.

Which led me to wonder how they'd fair across the world in the Guinness World Book of records.

Throughout history, the Guinness World Records has documented cases of the tallest people alive. Both men and women from various corners of the globe have earned a spot in this record, as they stunned the world with their towering height. 

Here’s a look at some of the figures who have made their mark as the tallest people in the world. Take a look at how they compare to our two Kenyan "giants"

1. Robert Wadlow - The Gentle Giant (1918-1940)

Robert Wardlow with his family
Image: Courtesy

Height: 8 feet 11 inches (2.72 meters)  Nationality: American

Robert Wadlow, known as the "Alton Giant," remains the tallest person ever recorded in history. Hailing from Alton, Illinois, Robert’s extraordinary height was due to an overactive pituitary gland, causing an overproduction of growth hormone.

At the time of his death at just 22 years old, Robert had reached an astonishing 8 feet 11 inches. Despite his immense stature, Robert was known for his gentle and kind nature, earning him the nickname "Gentle Giant."

2. Sultan Kösen - The Towering Turk also tallest living man(1982-Present)

Sultan standing next to the shortest man recorded
Image: Courtesy

Height: 8 feet 2.8 inches (2.51 meters)  Nationality: Turkish

Sultan Kösen from Turkey holds the title of the tallest living man in the world. He's also the 7th verified tallest person in history.

The Turk stands at 8 feet 2.8 inches. His towering height is a result of pituitary gigantism, a condition causing excessive growth hormone production.

Sultan's remarkable height has brought him global fame, and he's used his platform to raise awareness about his condition. Despite the daily challenges, Sultan maintains a positive outlook and continues to inspire many with his resilience.

3. Yao Defen - The Giant of China (1972-2012)

Yao Defen
Image: Courtesy

Height: 7 feet 8 inches (2.34 meters)  Nationality: Chinese

Yao Defen was the tallest living woman until her death in 2012 at just 39 years. Born in Anhui, China, Yao’s extraordinary height of 7 feet 8 inches was caused by a tumour in her pituitary gland.

Yao was a beloved figure in her community and was recognized globally for her incredible stature as she faced numerous challenges with grace and courage.

4. Gabriel Estêvão Monjane - The Tallest African (1944-1990)

Mozambic's tallest man Gabriel
Image: Courtesy

Height: 8 feet 0.75 inches (2.45 meters) Nationality: Mozambican

Gabriel Estêvão Monjane, hailing from Mozambique, was recognized as the tallest man in Africa and one of the tallest people in the world during his lifetime.

Standing at 8 feet 0.75 inches, Gabriel's extraordinary height was attributed to gigantism, similar to other record-holders. His towering presence made him a notable figure in the 1980s, and he was officially recognized by the Guinness World Records as the tallest living man in Africa at that time.

Gabriel's life, though marked by physical challenges, left a lasting legacy in the world of record-breaking heights.

5. Zeng Jinlian - The Tallest Woman in Modern Times (1964-1982)

Chinese tallest woman Zeng
Image: Courtesy

Height: 8 feet 1.75 inches (2.48 meters) Nationality: Chinese

Zeng Jinlian, from Yujiang village in the Hunan Province of China, holds the record for the tallest woman in modern times. At her peak height of 8 feet 1.75 inches, Zeng was taller than any other woman on record.

Like many others on this list, Zeng's height was caused by a pituitary gland abnormality, which led to her extraordinary growth. Unfortunately, her condition also led to severe health issues. She passed away at the age of just 17. 

6. Brahim Takioullah - The Giant from Morocco (1982-Present)

The giant of Morocco Brahim Takioullah
Image: Courtesy

Height: 8 feet 1 inch (2.46 meters) Nationality: Moroccan

Brahim Takioullah from Morocco is one of the tallest living men in the world today, standing at a remarkable 8 feet 1 inch.

Born in the Guelmim-Es Semara region of Morocco, Brahim’s height is the result of acromegaly, a condition caused by an overproduction of growth hormone. Brahim’s towering stature has made him a notable figure, particularly in France where he resides. His positive outlook on life and his determination to live fully despite the challenges his height presents make him an inspiration to many.

7. Sandy Allen - The Tallest Woman Ever Recorded (1955-2008)

Sandy Allen
Image: Courtesy

Height: 7 feet 7 inches (2.31 meters) Nationality: American

Born in Chicago, Illinois, Sandy reached a height of 7 feet 7 inches due to a tumour on her pituitary gland, which caused her to grow uncontrollably.

Despite the challenges her height presented, Sandy embraced her uniqueness and became an advocate for those with similar conditions. She used her fame to spread messages of positivity and self-acceptance, becoming an inspirational figure for many.

The lives of these towering individuals highlight the incredible diversity of human biology and the resilience of the human spirit. While their heights have brought them international recognition, their legacies extend far beyond their physical stature.

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