Check on comrades wounded during protests - celebs tell Kenyans

• The injured comrades also need food and toiletries.

Protesters in Nairobi CBD
Image: mpasho

Celebrities are calling on Kenyans to take time and visit protestors wounded during the demonstrations.

Several of them have been to the National Referral Hospital where they have managed to spread some cheer amongst those admitted with injuries.

From Ringtone to Former FBI Dancer Ezra and Music producer Jacky B, the message they are sending is that Kenyans need to visit the wounded.

They wished them all a quick recovery as Ringtone hailed them as heroes.

"TODAY WE FEASTED THE SICK PROTESTORS IN KENYATTA HOSPITAL 🙏. Since the protests many have been wounded, they came out for a good cause, but now they are all alone.I want to encourage all those who were int he streets, to come out and show support to the wounded as well," he urged.

Music producer Jacky B and his wife Brenda Michelle are also doing their part.

The producer said;

"LET'S NOT FORGET TO CHECK ON OUR GEN Z comrades who got wounded during maandamano. I was there today.

They are doing well. lets go and encourage them, let them know that we stand with them through this. The only people we found there were their close relatives. No government official has been there since. They need us now more than ever."

Brenda then suggested what Kenyans need to donate for the wounded, saying those admitted are many who need help.

"Let's do Saturday 6th July, time 4 pm, meeting point KNH parking. You can bring food and toiletries. If we can come together and visit them it would be great! Ideas are welcome, whose in?"

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