Corazon Kwamboka announces major career plans

• The mother of 2 has been pretty vocal about her stance on current political events.

Corazon Kwamboka
Image: Instagram

Corazon Kwamboka, who has focused on content creation in recent years rather than practicing as an advocate of the High Court, announced a significant career shift on her Instagram in response to recent events in the anti-tax protests.

"When I was young, I dreamed of being a lawyer to defend those who can’t defend themselves," she shared.

"Although my path led me elsewhere initially, the desire to make a difference persisted. Studying law, inspired by authors like John Grisham, was not just my dream but also my parents’."

Renewing her certificate to practice law, Corazon reflected on her journey after law school, feeling uncertain about how to utilize her degree effectively.

"I sought guidance through prayer, asking for a sign to direct my skills toward serving others," she explained.

"Recently, amidst the calls for justice following protester deaths, I felt compelled to return to law."

"My purpose is clear: to advocate for the vulnerable, especially mothers needing a voice," Corazon declared.

"This renewed mission fuels my spirit. With my practicing certificate renewed, I am ready to wholeheartedly defend those who need it most."

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