12 facts you didn't know about Eddie Butita

• Butita and Kate actress are among the Presidential Delegate to the US.

Eddie Butita

 Eddie Butita has been trending for hours on X.

Well here are things you might not know about him.


  • He is a Comedian, actor, and scriptwriter)
  • Born and raised in Kariobangi
  • Born in 1992(aged 32 in 2024)
  • Attended Butere High School.
  • Went back to campus in 2023 after a 12-year break.
  • Is the youngest of two siblings.
  • Began standup comedy at Churchill show in 2010.
  • Is the founder of online media SPM Buzz, launched in 2021.
  • Is the director of the Kenyan comedy series 'A Nurse Toto.'
  • Accompanied President William Ruto on a USA tour starting  May 21, 2024.
  • Met actor and Film maker Tyler Perry and Steve Harvey during his US tour.
  •  Dated comedian Mamito. 

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