Terrence reveals how he learned of Fred's death before the comedian's family

• Terence was the first person to receive the news that Fred Omondi had passed away 

Comedian turned film producer and director Terrence Creative has shared how he came to be the first person to learn of Fred Omondi's sudden passing 

Speaking during Fred's memorial tribute that was held today at the Chiromo Funeral Parlor Chapel, Terrence opened up on how heavy the whole ordeal was on him as he had to deliver news of Fred's accident to Eric Omondi and a few close friends of theirs at the break of dawn.

He admitted try as he might, he'd been unable to tell Eric that his younger brother had sadly passed away.

"When the incident happened, coincidentally the officer that was on site is my family friend. He called me and was like, 'unajua ndugu ya Eric?' I asked him which one? Because he is an officer, a traffic officer and before you register things...." the 'Wash Wash' star candidly recalled.

Terrence went on to narrate how their interaction unfolded with Terrence admitting he was in confusion and denial throughout until the police sent him a photo of Fred's National Identification Card in a bid for him to help them identify the victim's body that it finally sunk in.

"I called Eric, he was asleep so I had to find Lynne's number. I called her and I was like, 'let me talk to Eric,' I talked to him very casually and after that I told Lynne 'fuata Eric.' By the time Eric was getting there, I had called a couple of his close friends and told them,' Eric is on his way to Mama Lucy, by the time he gets there let him find you guys already there. Go to the casualties side

Because I didn't know how to tell him," Terrence added, recalling that fateful morning.

He went on to eulogize the late Fred Omondi as a welcoming creative with a huge heart who gave not only him but so many other entertainers in the industry a stepping stone to propel their careers. 

"Fred made everyone so comfortable even when we were doing our shows.. If he made a promise, he either fulfilled it or made life so comfortable for you that you couldn't even hold it against him as a failed promise. How he put it was so nice," 

Other notable public figures who were in attendance for Eric Omondi's younger brother's send off mass included, Sandra Dacha, MC Jessy, 2Mbili, Akuku Danger, and Don Nyachio just but to mention a few.

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