Fully Focus pledges Sh1 million to Kenyan families who loved ones due to recent protests

• At least 7 bodies were booked at City Mortuary on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning following anti-tax peaceful protests that turned deadly

DJ Fully Focus
Image: Courtesy

Renowned music producer and Disc Jockey (DJ) Fully Focus has pledged to make a Sh.1 million donation that will go towards easing medical and burial expenses for families who have sadly lost their kin during the ongoing anti-tax and government protests that have swamped the nation.

While making the promise through his X account the entertainer shared how devastated he was by the merciless acts of police brutality which have led to deaths of a score of citizens. He also called upon other people in the industry who were financially abled to join in and match his pledge.

"Deeply saddened by the tragic loss of lives during yesterday's protests in Kenya. This is not the direction we desire for our nation and hope it serves as a turning point.

I am pledging Sh. 1 million to support the bereaved families and in doing so I'm encouraging my fellow entertainers to match it..." the DJ who owns Passport Music Group Record label wrote in part.

He also encouraged Kenyans to not relent on their fight for a better tomorrow urging them that now was the time to answer the crucial question, "how can we ensure this never happens again?"

At least seven bodies are booked at the City Mortuary in Nairobi after they were killed in protests called to oppose proposed hefty taxes.

Officials at the mortuary said the bodies were taken to the facility between Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

The bodies had gunshot wounds and one had died out of choking, officials at the mortuary said.

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