Reasons Eric Omondi has doubts about how Fred Omondi died

• The late Fred passed on after suffering a fatal accident in the boda boda he was traveling in.

Eric Omondi with the late Fred Omondi
Image: Facebook

Eric Omondi expresses skepticism about the circumstances surrounding his brother Fred Omondi's death, stating, "It doesn't add up."

Activist Eric Omondi has clarified why he chose to participate in protests against the 2024 Finance Bill despite mourning his brother.

Speaking last weekend as he prepared to return to his village from Nairobi, Omondi appeared doubtful about the intricate circumstances of his younger brother's death.

He suggested foul play might be involved, questioning how it could have been a mere accident for his brother to die while the motorcycle rider escaped death.

"Some people have criticized me for mourning my brother's death and asked why I joined the protests. There's a theory; it's the week of the finance bill, and everyone knows I am leading the fight against it. So how is it that the week the bill is being passed, my brother dies?" Omondi wondered aloud.

"And if my brother was carried on a motorcycle, where is this person? We went and saw the motorcycle; it's true the accident was severe, we even saw blood there, but allegedly, the rider is nowhere to be found.

That impact! Allegedly, he ran away... that's why I joined the protests because I sleep and wake up seeing this might have been the truth or another theory," he added.

However, Eric also emphasized he did not want to speculate too deeply on the cause of his brother's death, noting that sometimes the truth takes time, even more than a year.

"However, I don't want to speculate because I have lost my brother. These are life's realities; you may find out the truth after a year.

But also, regarding this theory, if they thought they could derail me from fighting against this bill and we lost Fred, then his loss won't be in vain.

Why did we lose him? That's why I saddled up and went to parliament," he said. Addressing rumors about the death of the motorcycle rider a few days after the accident, Eric said it's just hearsay he's heard, and he hasn't found anyone to direct him to his family or know the morgue where his body is being kept.

"We know Fred is at Chiromo; if he died, where is he? Because some say he ran away. And that accident happened around 6 am at sunrise; no one recorded that video to go viral just because he's a celeb?" Omondi continued to raise concerns urgently

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