Mulamwah's heartwarming reason for nursing career

• The comedian scored an A-minus in his KCSE exams.

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Mulamwah was a bright student who scored an A- in his KCSE exams. With plans to pursue a college degree, the Kitale-based comedian had three dream courses in mind.

Joining the Mic Cheque Podcast, he shared how his father influenced his decision to become a nurse.

"Initially, I didn't select Nursing as my first choice. I had very good marks, an A-," he said. He had to choose four courses, but he was unsure about the last one.

"I chose engineering and piloting—those typical courses everyone dreams of. I had one slot left, so I called my dad to ask what I should pick for the final slot."

His dad advised him to choose Nursing for a significant reason. "He told me to pick Nursing because he is a clinical officer and said it has a good market abroad. So I chose it for fun," he shared.

Surprisingly, this turned out to be brilliant advice. "It turned out the government assigned me that course. I completed the full degree and did my internship at Kenyatta," Mulamwah explained. He got a paid internship in Nairobi.

Later, he decided to quit Nursing to pursue a career in comedy.

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