Karen Nyamu brags about Samidoh paying fees for their kids in International schools

• Many moments were marked at the Kenyan launch of the Bahati Empire reality TV show June 6.

karen nyamu attends bahati empire reality tv launch
karen nyamu attends bahati empire reality tv launch

Tight security marked the entrance of Deputy President Rigathi Gachgau's arrival for the launch of the Bahati Empire reality TV show on Thursday, June 6.

The politician was received like a hero at a Nairobi hotel where he joined the couple who were awaiting to receive him as their Chief Guest.

Also among the prestigious guests was Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu, who addressed the audience.

In her speech, the Senator recognized how much creatives have landed many opportunities enabling them to rake in money.

She cited the case of her partner Samidoh who pay fees for their children to attend international schools.'

"My kids, my kids are in International schools. Na shule inalipwo by a creative. Si unajua baba ya watoto wangu? Na analipa International schools. The best in the country" she added.

For Karen, this meant that the Kenyan entertainment industry had opportunities to grab and be successful as well.

"So you guys have huge potential Nyinyi ndio mnaweza kuwa masource of the country. We can all wish to be in that space because of the kind of money you can make"

She also pointed out Eddie Butita is an industry leader who should be emulated. 

"Pushusiende hapo kucheka cheka na President and our leaders wa enjoy. You have an agenda Dont forget, and keep pushing until everything is all the deliverables because you have passionate leaders who you should take advantage of. 

Many moments were marked at the Kenyan launch of the Bahati Empire reality TV show on June 6.

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