Chiki opens up after Bien revealed the 2 singers he crushes on

• The statements the musician made didn't sit well with netizens who called him disrespectful considering he's married.

in a file photo
Bien with Chiki Kuruka in a file photo
Image: Instagram

Digital content creator, choreographer, and Bien Baraza's manager Chiki Kuruka has come out to call out keyboard warriors who have been trying to drive a wedge between her and her man following a video of him sharing his celebrity crushes went viral.

Chiki's husband, lyrical genius, singer, and producer Bien went viral after naming Nigerian artist Tems and Jamaican dancehall artist Shenseea as the two prominent female artists he always finds attractive.

Netizens reacting to his revelation voiced how they felt his remarks were utter disrespect to his wife of 3 years.

On a post shared on Mpasho's Instagram page, there were comments such as; "Welcome to Kenya where you find your perfect match while you're already married,"

"He don't wanna be kept, don't keep him,"

"Men are embarrassing aahh,"

Sharing the Mpasho post on her Instagram stories and Chiki noted that she saw nothing wrong with her husband's statement as she acknowledged the two female artists as queens.

"Do not blame him, 2 absolute queens!" the dance enthusiast wrote accompanying the post with several laughing emojis.

Chiki went on to chide netizens for taking things too seriously and falling hard for everything they consume on social media.

"Wueh some people take life too seriously," the last of her post read.

Speaking during an interview with Obinna TV, Bien who had been asked who his celebrity crush was revealed that he had multiple crushes but only named 2.

“I have dream women, many of them... just imagine if Tems DMs me, I’d have to talk to my wife, even if it were you, and if Shenseea DMs me, she could hit and run...” Bien humorously shared.

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