Bien's wife chases off lady grinding on her husband (Video)

Bien was performing at a recent show

β€’ Chiki Kuruka was recorded chasing a fan from the stage after she unsuccessfully twerked for her husband.

β€’ Bien is seen smiling as the lady dances for him until Chiki showed up and pushed her away.

Bien and his wife Chiki
Image: Instagram

Sauti Sol's Bien Baraza's wife and manager Chiki Kuruka was recorded chasing a fan from the stage after she unsuccessfully twerked for her husband.

In the video that was taken during Bien's recent performances, Chiki got angry after a female fan walked to where Bien was standing and started dancing suggestively for him.

Bien is seen smiling as the lady dances for him until Chiki showed up and pushed her away.

Bien then walked away as he left Chiki to deal with the fan.

Chiki is then seen calling a security guy to take control of the incident.

The video ignited mixed reactions with many making fun, claiming Chiki was insecure while others said it was disrespectful of the woman to just do that even when Chiki was around.

After the video was shared online, Bien responded saying: "Haitaki hasira."

Here are a few comments;

flaqo411: Hold up is that Daisy?? wtf.

keshgracy: Bwana ya wenyewe is a NO GO ZONE.

nicki_bigfish: Ata mimi naona nita nyoa alafu ni buy guitar, hakuna njia ingine sasa.

mtunecessary: Wanasemaga kila mwanamke anajua taste ya bwana yake and it seems huyo alikuwa taste ya Bien kabisaaaaa.

lindel_linka: But their relationship/ marriage or whatever they call it, is an open thing.

kellyjohnson.official: But now let’s talk about what kind of case that would have been if the roles were reversed and even how different the comment section would be . I’ll go First Ladies reciprocate the respect you lot cry , want and fight for.

daisyrioba: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the way Bien was enjoying and smiling whilst looking back.

smur.f_._: The way he moved quick when he saw his wife coming😍❀️😹😹😹😹😹😹

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