Krg the Don reveals the source of his immense wealth


• The musician once claimed that he was worth more than Sh5 billion.

KRG the Don
Image: Courtesy

KRG has admitted that much of his wealth was inherited, and in fact, he never worked as hard as many people think he did.

"A lot of money is actually an inheritance; much of these assets existed before I was born; I acquired them now, I inherited them, and it wasn't by my own wishes; it was by luck.

This actually isn't my wealth even I got it, people lived on this earth and left it for me." the musician explained.

He further clarified why he has never transferred those assets into his real names, saying he chose to keep them that way because the assets are not his since he only inherited them, and it wouldn't be wise to transfer them into his name, which would go against his ancestors and those who came before him.

"I haven't transferred anything into my name; I only manage because I also don't want our elders to start saying Bughaa squandered the wealth. What I do is maybe just pay a little tax."

The musician revealed that he hasn't been in those buildings for several years because he doesn't see the need to do so.

KRG is not only an artist but also a popular entrepreneur who owns his club 'Casavera,' which he recently announced he would temporarily close,

"The business went down because of new bars like Quiver… so we thought of closing it down, doing renovations, then coming back with new strategies," he explained.

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