Citizen TV's Ayub Abdikadir sums up his moment at the White House

• Ayub went viral after his question to the President at the White House

Ayub Abdikadi
Image: courtesy

Ayub Abdikadir, Citizen TV reporter summed up his visit to the White House as a very productive day.

The Citizen TV reporter went viral after his question to President Ruto, at the White House on May 23.

He was among journalists invited to ask questions to the Kenyan and American Presidents William Ruto and Joe Biden respectively.

Abdikadir questioned President Ruto's decision to send troops to Haiti while some areas in Kenya remain under tension owing to banditry.

Kenyans have taken to social media to discuss his performance.

The Citizen reporter later updated that he attended the dinner. He shared a picture looking hunky in a black suit and bow tie.

He posed at the front entrance to the White House, as the background showed it was a beehive of activity.

He summed up his day as

"Dinner at The @WhiteHouse after a productive day."

Ayub also met several Internationally acclaimed journalist , noting they are inspirations.

Ayub also went viral in July 2022, for his interview with then IEBC Boss and other officials on the State of the Race. This was ahead of the Aug General Elections. Kenyans praised him for raising serious issues .

He later updated about his interview saying "Forthrightness, hard hitting and relentless in seeking answers. A noble professions" This was 25 days to the elections.

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