Mr steal your girl - Peter Salaysa goes for a new look as he removes signature locks

• The Mp has removed his dreadlocks

Mumias East Mp Peter Salasysa is no longer spotting his dreadlocks.

The youthful legislator in a video seen by Mpasho relaxed his hair.

He appeared at ease as the hairdresser processed his hair with chemical.

The salonist assured him his hair will now be easier to comb, as the politician happily chatting away as he looks into the mirror, following the process.

His hair has always been his trademark look, and even President Ruto recently this year commented on it as the two met in an event.

The President was greeting leaders upon arriving in Kakamega to open the Kakamega County International Investment Conference when he mingled with Salasya.

The president, while shaking the hands of leaders called them by their names asking how their constituencies were fairing.

The turn came for the Mumias East legislator, who was seemingly excited to greet him.

He firmly shook his hands while maintaining direct eye contact with the camera.

The President asked him how he was doing and he replied that he was doing well with a broad smile.

His response sent the leaders to burst into laughter.

Ruto carried on with the conversation asking him why he had not combed his hair.

"Mbona haujachanua nywele," the President asked.

(Why have you not combed your hair).

The MP hilariously replied saying "Ukisema nitachanua".

His response sent the President and the crowd into laughter.

The first-time MP is known for his slightly long rugged hairstyle.

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