Eric omondi raised 237k in 3hrs to aid evicted victims


•Comedian and philanthropist Erick Omondi has once again made his way to the victims of the evictions in order to extend a helping hand to those who have been displaced from their homes.

Eric Omondi
Image: Instagram

Comedian and philanthropist Erick Omondi has once again extended a helping hand to those who have been displaced from their homes.

In an effort to provide assistance to individuals who have been displaced by the government, Erick Omondi reached out to his fellow Kenyans and asked them to use the hashtag "sisi kwa sisi" to assist those who have been displaced.

The houses were destroyed for what reason?

The homes that were destroyed were those that were situated in close proximity to the river ways in Mukuru kwa Rueben,.

During periods of intense precipitation, the Ngong River, which flows through the region, can occasionally create flooding in the slums.

Sincere gratitude to #Teamsisikwasisi We raised 237 Ksh in under three hours.We chose ten of the most affected families in Mukuru kwa Ruben who were without a house as a result of the demolitions.

Each person received three months' worth of rent, two months' worth of house supplies, and money to start a small business. May God bless you all! Through a message on X (which was once known as Twitter), Erick Omondi expressed his gratitude to the internet users.

In the past, the comedian has demonstrated his compassion by performing acts of kindness after observing that Kenyans are isolated and that no one would come to their rescue until we take it upon ourselves to do so.

During the last several weeks, Erick has constructed a massive vessel that has elicited a range of responses from internet users. Some of them have referred to it as the "Noah's Ark," and it is believed that it has transported at least 34 people who were affected by flooding.

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