Lilian Ng'ang'a details lessons from recent celebrity funerals


• This week has witnessed the high-profile funerals of journalist Rita Tinina and TikToker Brian Chira. 

Lilian Nganga
Image: Instagram

Lillian Nganga has recently shared her views regarding public figures' funerals explaining that being a public figure gives one a glimpse of how their funeral will be.

Lillian took to her social media page, Instagram Stories, to share these views stating that;

"Being a public figure gives a glimpse of how their funeral will be."

The mother of one further went on to detail the 'process' stating that the media announces, then people post photos with lovely messages then the fundraisers before they come in large numbers to bury you. 

"Media announces, people post photos you'd taken with them, and texts shared. they post lovely messages on social saying how you were nice, you died too soon, too young, etc. They fundraise and then come in large numbers to bury you and that's life," she wrote.

Image: Screenshort

Lillian's remarks came a day before the late NTV journalist Rita Tinina's burial. Tinina will be laid to rest today, Wednesday, March 27 her parent's home in, Noosupeni Farm Olokirikirai.

The memorial mass of the late NTV Journalist was held on Monday at the Holy Family Basilica. Rita was found dead at her residence in Kileleshwa, Nairobi on Sunday, March 17th, 2024.

She was expected to be at work at NTV, where she was employed, but did not show up. Concerned by her absence, NTV management went to her house and found her dead.

Rita’s death was attributed to severe pneumonia, according to the results of an autopsy conducted on Tuesday, March 19.

Additionally, TikToker Brian Chira was laid to rest yesterday, Tuesday 26 March, in Ingitei village, Githunguri which is in Kiambu County. The body was picked up at the Kenyatta University mortuary in the morning. 

Chira died on the morning of Saturday 16th March 2024.

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